Keep Cow Boobs Beautiful
Alpro Dairy Free Products

One of the most loved campaigns from my student book, and one that I feel some brave brand could and should use in the real world. 

Mainly because sexy cows are fun... but also... 

The milk industry has painted this beautiful picture in our heads, made of old friendly farmers and animals strolling around hills. Reality is different, but we all seem to somehow turn our heads at those horrible Peta videos, so this campaign tries to inform and make you care about dairy animals in a way you’ll understand.

And because we were so very punk, we raided supermarkets sticking udders with messages on milk.

( Yes - that is a leather jacket. But it’s from the 90s so it’s from a cow that would have died naturally anyway.)

And because sexy cows are great all year round, please contact me to get your very own sexy Cowlendar. All profits go to the cows we work with on OnlyFans. 

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